vignettes of the nite XXVIII: cat lady alert at the movies

Being in bed all weekend with that stomach flu going around, my Gigi kitty just relished in the company. I saw a lot of happy tail action, and all manner of it. Where I lie in bed gives me such a vantage that her long furry tail, swishing and twirling as she exits the room, appears to float in the air.
A friend of mine and I used to spend a lot of time in this bed laughing at how suggestive these disembodied tails were, doing their dance, my Roman’s being particularly expressive. Its a language far more nuanced than a chart like this conveys.
It made me wish there was a film of just cat tails, one after the next, a catwalk to end them all. There isn’t though. What I did find was a Wiki entry for “Cat communication”, proving that there’s an entry for everything and everyone. Of course, the trend for all things “cat” is cool with me, and its amusing to see how its packaged. While watching this related vid I waited for the yipster narrating it to say “this orange kitten is trouble!” but she never did. (Coincidentally, I’ve always wanted to photograph cat balls because I find their furriness weirdly cute. AND GUESS WHAT, someone did, and mangled it.)

Ok that’s it from cat lady central. Back to correcting my first round of assignments with a sharpie to stem my compulsive copy edits. Of course, I didn’t count on the ink going through to the other side though…note to self: no more in-class writing assignments.

FYI: I’m about to post an Huffpo interview with Laura Parnes, an artist whose work I’d wanted to catch up with, and finally did, so look for it! You may recall I included some episodes from her latest work, County Down, in Grrls on Girls program I curated last summer at Nitehawk Cinema. I’m also excited to sink my teeth into two of Bruce LaBruce‘s recent films, Gerontophilia, and Pierrot Lunaire, in prep for an interview for the Believer. Exclusive access, and another artist whose work I’ve wanted to catch up with. And so as not to leave you image-starved here’s a cat lady I find divine. Nite Nite!
cat lady

POSTSCRIPT: I did find this more elaborate description of cat behavior that made me understand the feral mama I feed’s tendency to raise her right paw as she waits for me to feed her means she’s ready to defend herself. Its kept curled under most of time so that’s a good sign:)