letters: “socialism is the truest form of democracy”

I have yet to read this book, Imagine Living in a Socialist USA, conceived by the amazing Frances Goldin, but I just ordered it. As to its genesis, Goldin explains: “I am 88 years old and before I die I want to do two things: get Mumia out of prison (she is his friend and literary agent and regularly visits) and edit a visionary book on what America would be like if we didn’t have capitalism.” I’m especially looking forward to Angela Davis in collaboration with Mumia on the prison system. And if Michael and Debbie Smith’s claim on FB related promo (he and his wife were involved in the book) that “Socialism and capitalism are the two words most looked up on the Merriam Webster online dictionary” is true, I’d say its likely be a key text for coming generations. Here’s Democracy Now’s coverage of it with an interview w/Goldin. GET IT!

Imagine Cover Image