Category Archives : Our Four-Legged Kids

please leave a message after the beep: a day in the life of charlotte moorman’s answering machine

Love this audio tape of answering machine messages left on Fluxus great Charlotte Moorman’s machine in 1971. A perfect Fluxus work in and of itself! Most of the messages relate to a day-old review in the Village Voice (who I started writing for almost 30 years to the day, weirdly enough), and say as much […]

national cat day

How did I sleep through this one?!, she writes as her Roman kitty noisily eats dry food in the kitchen. I honestly didn’t even know this holiday existed. Me, a proud cat lady. Actually I learned about it on Ann Magnuson’s fb post (if you recall we did an interview on cat ladies here), and […]

vignettes of the night III: shrinkage

Weird to tell my shrink about this post-series tonite (she’s always encouraging me to self-promote, and I’m always struggling to find the courage to write with no aim). Weirder still to then stop in mid-session and ask to snap the pic of the little bamboo/rattan table, replete with requisite tissue box, that sits in front […]